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    What is a Grant of Probate/Letters of Administration?2023-08-18T10:55:15+00:00
    A grant of probate confirms the authority of an Executor to administer and distribute the estate of someone who has died. If there was no will, you’ll apply for letters of administration instead.
    I don’t know if I need Probate. Can I still use your service?2023-08-18T11:04:11+00:00

    Yes. Our Free Account Support service includes notifying companies of a death, stopping post and instruction for account closure, transfer or freeze. You can upgrade later if we determine that probate is required.

    If the Estate is not being passed to a surviving spouse, a home is being sold, there are financial accounts worth a significant amount or there are stocks and shares, it is likely that Probate will be required. 

    If you are unsure whether you need Probate, speak to a member of our specialist team today.

    When is Probate not required?2023-08-18T11:03:20+00:00

    You will probably not have to apply for Probate if any one of these conditions apply to the estate:

    • Joint assets Only: If the estate is worth less than £1 million and is being passed to a spouse, civil partner, or charity
    • Less than £5,000: The value of everything that the deceased owned in their own name is worth less than £5,000: or
    • There were only savings and no other assets such as property, vehicles etc.

    Provided that  you are either named as an Executor, or you have permission from the other next of kin, you can distribute the assets according to the wishes of the deceased.

    Sometimes financial services firms will insist that you  apply for probate before allowing you to access funds . This will depend on the value of the account and ranges from £5,000 – £50,000 by provider. Settld can check with individual providers on your behalf as part of our service.

    Is contacting companies a necessary step in applying for a grant of probate?2023-08-18T10:51:29+00:00

    Yes. The first step in applying for a grant of probate (or letters of administration) is to contact all relevant organisations about the death, to gather the documentation on assets and debts. You can do this yourself, which means contacting all companies individually (often by phone), filling in multiple forms and sending off documents. Alternatively, a Probate Solicitor can do the same job for you. Whoever does  the job, it’s usually around 20 hours of admin effort.

    Why do I need to value the estate and can I do it myself?2023-08-18T10:56:44+00:00

    In order to comply with your duties as Executor, you are required to value the Estate for inheritance tax, including estimating the value at date of death of any savings and investments, property, debts and other liabilities. You will then be required to either complete the requisite Inheritance Tax (IHT) forms and pay any tax owing or certify that you are applying for ‘Excepted Estate’ status. Settld can help identify all assets and debts as we manage correspondence with Service Providers to obtain date of death balances.

    Will all Service Providers give Settld date of death balances?2023-08-18T10:57:44+00:00

    For the time being some Service Providers choose to handle correspondence by post. Once they process our notification, they will contact you directly with next steps and information. Many companies will get back within 10 working days. 

    How much would a Probate Solicitor charge for contacting companies for me?2023-08-15T08:27:08+00:00

    Typical solicitors charge ~£30 per company they engage with (“per letter”). Given that most people leave behind a minimum of 15 accounts, this can mean a legal fee of £450.

    Are there any other costs I should be aware of?2023-08-18T11:09:02+00:00

    Aside from Settld’s fee, there’s a Probate registry fee of £273 and copies of the Grant of Probate cost £1.50 each. Some financial institutions require sealed court copies of the Grant to release funds from the Estate. Settld can also help to estimate the number of copies of the Grant you will need. You may also opt to place a Deceased Estate Notice in The Gazette to avoid being personally liable for any Estate creditors that come forward at a later date. The cost of advertising starts from about £80.

    What is the benefit of using Settld?2023-06-14T05:27:39+00:00

    Using Settld, you only need to provide your details and documents once, using one form. As companies respond to Settld, you will see an update on your personal accounts dashboard, showing the status of each account and any associated documents. Until the account is ‘Settld’ according to your demand (closed, amended or transferred), and information obtained, the account will be shown in pending status.

    Which companies does Settld work with?2023-06-14T05:31:20+00:00

    Settld currently notifies over 950 different organisations. These include financial services (banks, building societies, credit card companies, pension providers and insurers), household services (utilities, TV, phone, broadband), digital services (social media, digital entertainment, online shopping), and others (club memberships, donations to charities).  See a list of the companies we contact here

    Will companies ever need to speak with me directly?2023-06-13T16:07:46+00:00

    We will always do our best to notify and streamline the communication with each Service Provider on your behalf, but there may be some companies that still ask to speak with you. In those instances, we will hand over the communication and remain on hand to help if needed. 

    How long does it take to achieve ‘Settld’ status on the accounts?2023-06-14T05:32:13+00:00

    Settld makes it quick and easy to send out notifications and tell companies how you would like the account to be handled (closed, amended or transferred). However, each Service Provider has its own internal systems and processes to follow. You can generally expect it to take up to 2 weeks to turn around most account requests, but some Service Providers might take longer (normally financial institutions). Settld will follow up with the companies for updates on your behalf, so you do not need to sit on call lines or keep on top of emails.

    How do I fill in the Settld form – what’s involved?2023-06-13T10:40:28+00:00

    Once you have paid and created an account, you will receive an email to validate your details for security reasons. Click the link in the email and follow the step by step guide on each page. 

    Consent When you start the form, you’ll be asked to give Settld permission to notify companies on your behalf. You’ll then need to provide your details, details of the person who has died, and the contact details of any other Executors/Administrators of the estate. 

    Accounts You’ll be able to select all of the accounts you want to notify and add them one by one. There is no limit to the number of accounts you can add. 

    Documents We’ll ask you to provide scans or photographs of the documents that your listed companies ask for. 

    Fraud check Once you have completed the form, you will be asked to complete an identity check. You must do this in order for us to start processing your notification.

    Please note

    • You can save progress at any point and return to the form later
    • Once you’ve submitted the form you can go back and add more accounts or select from additional support services
    • Settld is constantly updated so you can check the progress of your accounts at any time in your personal accounts dashboard. 
    What documentation will I need?2023-08-18T11:09:53+00:00

    These are the documents we always need:

    • Death Certificate (if this is not available, the Interim Coroner’s Certificate)
    • Proof of your identity: your passport, driving licence or residency card

    These are the documents we may need, depending on the service provider:

    • A Will, if one exists. You’ll need to upload the title page, the page with the Executor details and the signature page
    • Proof of your address. A recent utility bill is preferred, but a council tax bill is also acceptable. If you don’t have either of these, a credit card, bank or building society statement issued in the last 3 months will also be accepted by most companies 

    For any documentation required, please upload either a scanned copy or a photograph. Photographs should be clear and capture the information clearly – we won’t be able to work with blurry images.

    We will also ask you to provide additional information about the person who died, as part of the Probate application.

    How many certified copies of the death certificate will I need to notify companies with Settld?2023-08-18T11:11:11+00:00

    Whilst every Service Provider has different rules, many financial institutions require a certified copy of the death certificate to act as proof of death when closing accounts. These cost £11 each and are typically not returned to you once completed. Settld always attempts to use a digital channel to correspond with Service Providers, therefore reducing the number of certified copies of death certificates you would require.

    What other details might I need?2023-06-13T16:11:28+00:00
    • Account numbers (if you have them)
    • Customer reference numbers (if you have them)

    These details often are not mandatory, but they do help Service Providers to respond faster. Most companies will be able to find the account using the full name of the person who died, their registered address on the account, and their date of birth.

    Why do you need a picture of the original Death Certificate?2023-06-14T05:33:25+00:00

    We ask for a picture or scan of the original Death Certificate because a lot of companies require this for their records. The death must be matched against the General Register Office (GRO) data, to prove the death happened and prevent fraud. If you have not received the death certificate yet, please upload the Coroner’s Interim Certificate. 

    Please note that some companies request a physical death certificate to be posted to them. In that case, we will let you know the address to send it to.

    Why do you need to verify my identity?2023-06-14T05:24:31+00:00

    This ensures that you, and the Service Providers we notify, are protected against fraud. The identity verification provider with whom we work (Onfido), will verify that your identity documents are authentic and have not been stolen or tampered with. We only ever send these details to Service Providers who actively request them (normally financial institutions). Otherwise, your data remains locked safely in SOC 2 Type II and ISO 27001 digital vaults.

    I don’t have any photo-id as my passport expired and I have a paper driving licence.2023-06-13T16:13:30+00:00

    In this case, please upload either an HMRC tax notification (dated within the last 12 months) or a benefit entitlement letter (dated within the last 12 months) confirming the benefit you’re receiving at the time of issue. 

    I don’t have proof of address (council tax bill or Utility bill)2023-06-13T16:13:52+00:00

    If you don’t have a Council Tax Bill or Utility Bill in your name, most companies accept these other documents as proof of address: 

    • Credit Card Statement (issued within the last 3 months)
    • Bank Statement  (issued within the last 3 months) 
    • Building Society Statement (issued within the last 3 months)
    Why do I need to upload a copy of the Will?2023-06-14T05:22:52+00:00

    If there is a written Will, it is best to upload it. We will only ever send the Will out to Service Providers who ask for it as part of the Probate process (normally financial institutions). Sometimes Service Providers will want to check the details of the Executors listed in the Will, as they are the point of contact for settling outstanding credit or debt against each account. For Service Providers who do not request or need it, we do not send it out.

    Can I use Settld on behalf of someone else, to help them?2023-06-13T16:15:09+00:00

    Yes. In this case, the Settld form will ask you to obtain permission to proceed from the next of kin or the named Executor (if there is a Will). They will be asked to sign a short form, saying that they are happy for you to act on their behalf. Settld will not be able to notify any companies, without this information.

    Is this service secure?2023-06-13T16:15:44+00:00

    Yes. Settld is compliant with all data laws and requirements. We use industry best practices to ensure data security in storage and transmission. We run our service on cloud based products that have the highest privacy and security protection. Onfido, the identity verification provider that we work with, is used to verify that your documents are authentic and have not been stolen or tampered with. 

    Is Settld a legal service?2023-08-21T12:44:11+00:00

    Settld is an intermediary and not a legal firm. However, we are formally supported by the Law Society, and part of the Barclays Bank Legal Tech program.

    What if I need help filling in the form?2023-06-14T05:34:16+00:00

    Please call us on 0344 327 3996 or email One of our support agents will be happy to assist you.

    What does Settld do?2023-05-09T17:17:53+00:00

    Settld informs any non-government organisation of a death in one go, and handles the closure or transfer of accounts (from banks to social media providers) in one secure place. We also provide guidance and links to other services you may need, such as Probate, property clearance and local grief support.

    What is Settld?2021-08-11T08:52:49+00:00

    Settld was formed in 2020, following the personal experience of our co-founders grieving the loss of their grandma/mother-in-law. The administrative process of notifying all her service providers (utilities, banks, insurance, phone, broadband, TV licence, subscription services etc) was complicated, stressful and time consuming. Such was the stark contrast to the public sector ‘Tell Us Once’ service, that Settld was born with a mission to deliver an automated, secure bereavement notification platform for all non-government accounts.

    What services does Settld provide?2021-08-18T09:57:38+00:00

    Settld provides a single online channel through which bereaved individuals can initiate the notification process across multiple service providers. We manage the notification process and the associated exchange of information with each service provider on behalf of the bereaved individual. Settld also provides the bereaved individual access to the Settld portal to: (i) provide real-time status tracking; (ii) communicate with service providers through one channel; and (iii) access key information and documentation such as condolence letters, date of death balances and account closure forms. 

    Why should service providers work with Settld?2021-08-18T10:00:12+00:00

    Settld helps service providers:

    Enhance customer experience – No matter how good a particular service provider’s bereavement processes are, from a customer’s perspective it is one of many service providers that needs to be engaged following a bereavement. Customers value a single online notification process across all service providers that is quick and easy to complete. By partnering with Settld, service providers can help to relieve their customer’s administrative burden rather than add to it. 

    Improve operational efficiency – Reduce bereavement support costs by achieving faster case resolution with fewer contact points. We provide all the necessary information you require at the outset, in a standardised format via our Service Provider Portal. Furthermore, by digitising the process, we eliminate postage costs and the delays associated with the exchange of physical documentation.

    Reduce financial and reputational risk – There have been numerous examples of bereavement process failures in the media over the last few years, related to slow response times, administrative errors and delayed payments. Mishandling of bereaved customers can give rise to significant complaint volumes which take time and effort to investigate, resolve and redress. Settld mitigates brand risk, pay-outs and negative press by providing a simple, efficient and effective way to manage and action bereavement notifications.

    How does Settld allow us to improve treatment of vulnerable customers?2021-08-11T08:50:20+00:00

    In February 2021 the FCA published “Guidance for firms on the fair treatment of vulnerable customers”, which includes those impacted by life events such as bereavement. The guidance advocates “having systems in place that minimise the number of times a customer must inform firms about their vulnerability. For example, a “Tell Us Once” style process where customers can notify a firm of a bereavement just once.”  This is exactly what Settld does, across multiple service providers.

    At what point does Settld’s involvement in the bereavement notification process cease?2021-08-11T08:50:30+00:00

    In general, we remain involved in the process until the notification request has been actioned, however the exact point varies given the circumstances of each case and the type of service in question. As part of our engagement with you, we will map out the various scenarios and expected outcomes to determine the best point at which we remove ourselves from the process and leave you to engage with the notifier directly.

    What does Settld not do?2021-08-18T10:38:07+00:00
    1. Settld will not request the release of funds from the stated accounts.
    2. Settld will not collect payment of any monies owing to an account holder at any time.
    3. Settld will not visit Notifier, Deceased, Client, Agent or Service Provider premises to take meter readings or act on any information that has been provided.
    4. Settld does not take replace a Service Provider’s own internal processes. Meaning, we will not responsibility for verifying the details provided by the Notifier to make the necessary changes, or providing details, on the stated accounts.
    5. Settld has no control over the contents of Service Providers sites, resources, or necessary interactions with and communications to customers.
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