Support marketplace

We know it can sometimes feel overwhelming to find timely, trustworthy advice and financial support to help you deal with Estate Administration.

That’s why we have partnered with companies we trust to help navigate you through the complexities you will encounter in dealing with the Estate. Still not sure what you need? Request a callback and we will guide you through the process of deciding whether you need additional professional support.

Missing asset search

A financial asset search will uncover any accounts or policies that you may not be aware of when completing the administration of estates.

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House clearance

Our property management service partner can help administer the clearance, maintenance and valuation of a vacant property to protect you whilst you decide what to do with the property.

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Probate is the legal right to deal with someone’s property, money and possessions when they die. As the Executor you will not be able to settle the Estate without Probate.

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Financial support

Probate Lending solutions can help beneficiaries advance their inheritance or executors to pay for any expenses they incur including funeral costs, inheritance tax or property maintenance

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